Oily Skin
Should you use a Moisturizer on Oily Skin
By Dr. Kristie
Oily skin can be a challenge to deal with on a daily basis. It can be disheartening to look in the mirror after thoroughly cleansing and toning and see a slick, shiny face staring back at you.
Not to mention the breakouts! When your skin produces excess oil, it not only looks shiny, but you can experience recurrent blemishes and blackheads.
Many people who fight the battle with oil production believe they shouldn’t use a moisturizer as their skin already produces too much oil. Is this true? Should you use a moisturizer on oily skin?
If you have oily skin, you’re probably already using a variety of products to cleanse and tone. These products most likely contain agents that dry your skin such as benzoyl peroxide. Although you may think that adding moisture to oily skin would be counterproductive, this isn’t the case if you use the right product.
Moisturizers primarily serve to prevent loss of water from the outer skin layers which helps to keep the surface of the skin supple and hydrated. Although oily skin produces larger quantities of oil than does dry or normal skin, these oils don’t have the same hydrating, healing properties as a moisturizer does.
If you have oily skin and don’t use a moisturizer after cleansing and toning you may experience a dry, tight feeling that signals a lack of hydration. In addition, despite the fact that you may have predominantly oily skin, you probably also have dry areas that scream out for additional moisture such as the thin skin around the eyes.
Another advantage to using a moisturizer on oily skin is many moisturizers have added sunscreen which offers a layer of protection against solar damage.
The key to using a moisturizer on oily skin without making it look and feel oilier is to choose the right one. A good moisturizer for oily skin should have several properties. Look for one that’s fragrance free and labeled as non-comedogenic.
Keep in mind that just because a moisturizer is labeled as non-comedogenic doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t cause breakouts. Even if it doesn’t clog the pores, it may still contain irritating substances that can contribute to skin blemishes and blackheads.
If possible, test a moisturizer by rubbing it between your fingers before purchasing it. It shouldn’t feel heavy or oily to the touch. If it does, look for one that’s lighter in consistency. It may also help to choose a moisturizer with ground silica added since this helps to reduce shine and gives oily skin a matt look.
When you use a moisturizer on oily skin, let your skin be the guide as to how much and how often to use it. In dry areas such as under the eyes, you may want to apply moisture every day. On oilier areas, you can apply a thin film every two days. Be judicious with how much and how often you use a moisturizer on oily skin.
Even if your skin is oily, you need sun protection. If you use a moisturizer without added sunscreen, invest in a lightweight, oil-free, non-comedogenic sunscreen to protect your skin. Even oily skin isn’t immune to sun damage.
Always read labels and use organic ingredients when possible. Since you’ll be using these products every day, stay away from questionable ingredients that could jeopardize your long-term health.
About the Author
She is a Medical Doctor with a concentration in Family Practice. She also has an undergraduate degree in both Biology and Psychology and masters in Clinical Pathology.
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