Featured Article
Natural Ways to Treat Cystic Acne
By Casey C.
Cystic acne is an embarrassing and often painful ordeal. Rather than just your run-of-the-mill zits that pop up from time to time and go away all on their own, zits from cystic acne are often quite severe. Cystic pimples are large, painful bumps that go deep under the skin.
They often leave scars behind as a nasty reminder of their presence. A cystic breakout can leave you feeling like your face is covered in painful, soon-to-burst volcanoes.
Prescription medication for cystic acne can be quite effective, but can also come with harsh side effects. Luckily, a natural approach can help treat or even cure your cystic acne, without all the scary side effects, and often for less money too. Here are five natural ways to treat cystic acne:
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